Welcome to Newgrounds.
Make sure you read and understand the rules before you upload. A fair share of 'GD-composers' end up getting their work removed and/or banned over copyright issues.
Also: It is not against the rules to vote 5 for your own submissions, but I'd encourage you to actually check out Newgrounds 'as a user' so you get a better idea about how the site functions and what its communities expectations are.
Welcome to Newgrounds.
Make sure you read and understand the rules before you upload. A fair share of 'GD-composers' end up getting their work removed and/or banned over copyright issues.
Also: It is not against the rules to vote 5 for your own submissions, but I'd encourage you to actually check out Newgrounds 'as a user' so you get a better idea about how the site functions and what its communities expectations are.
Don't worry- won't copyright anything. I know it's not allowed- and I'm here to make my own music!